Chickens are much susceptible to diseases and the disease spreads in an epidemic form. So a breeder must be active enough to check the disease and the best thing is that the infected bird should be separated, immediately and rest of the flock should be subjected to further check and preventions. All the precautions must be taken to avoid the loss.

Some of the diseases are given below:

1. Ranikhet Disease:

It was reported in Ranikhet in India and is caused by a virus. It is spreaded by the crows, pigeons and other birds. The bird in the first stage of sickness becomes restless. Breathing trouble is a common symptom. Open beak, spreaded wings, loose nasal discharge shivering, fever and loose motion cause the death of the bird. The bird may die in one-two days.

2. Fowl Pox:

It is a severe contagious disease which is caused due to Boreliota avium. It spreads by contact and mosquitoes. Small pox like symptoms develop on the skin, wattle, earlobes and legs of the bird which are in primary stage red or white then yellow and turn black in the last phase. Respiratory troubles, nasal discharge, swelling on the face are symptom of fowl pox. Fowl pox vaccine is a must for it.

3. Infectious Laryngo Trachaites:


It is a contagious disease caused by a virus. It spreads in an epidemic form and causes havoc in the poultry farm. It spreads slowly and within a day or two most of the fowls is trapped in weakness, respiratory trouble, and blood vomiting along with dense usual discharge can be seen in the infected fowl, the face and wattle swells and then goes in isolation.

4. Fowl Cholera:

Fowl Cholera is caused by a bacteria contaminated fodder, water and feed and’ insects are the main cause of its infection. The fowl undergoes isolation, loose green motion, blackening of the wattle and weakness in the body is a symptom of the disease. The legs are paralysed, respiratory trouble causes death of the fowl. A rottening smell prevails in the poultry. It kills the bird in few hours only so immediate help from a doctor is a must.

5. Fowl Typhoid:

Like human beings fowls too have typhoid fever and it is caused by a bacteria called solmonella galinerum and is spreaded by contaminated fodder, feed, water and faecal matter. The symptoms are yellow faecal matter, laziness and fever. The fowl stops feeding and quite often goes for water. Though they do not die immediately but are transmitted to the chicken and in eggs also. The liver and spleen swells and fowl becomes very weak.

Besides these diseases there are a large number of ecto and endoparsite of chicken which harm the breeder and their removal becomes necessary. The presence of these parasite causes lowering in the oviposition and decline in the quality of eggs.


These ecto parasites are ticks, mites louse and fleas. They inhibit the feather and cause skin diseases. They spread rapidly and are transmitted from one to other fowl. Constant bite by these ecoparasite irritates the fowl, weakness, laziness and drawsiness can be seen in such a fowl. They can be eliminated by cleaning the birds periodically by using chemicals and poisons.

Besides all the above parasites some of the internal parasites like Cestodes, Nematodes and Trematodes inhibit the intestinal mucosa of the fowl and reduce the health of the fowl and cause decline in the egg production. The common cestodes are Davinea progloiina, Rehtina Tetragona, R. echinobrathrida, R. cesosilus, Cotugnea diagnophora and Amoebtaenia Spp.

Some of the round worm like Ascaridia galai and flukes damage the poultry birds. The symptoms are loose motion. Laziness, decline in oviposition. Less feeding and always go for water. Recommended medicines in prescribed doses can cure the birds. The birds should be disinfected periodically to check such infections.



To earn maximum profit from poultry certain precautions must be taken:

1. The fowl houses should be clean, ventilated and should be made in such a way that raising and setting sun may keep enlighten.

2. Water, feed and medicines should be given at recommended periods in recommended doses.

3. Deep litter should be used and like should be added to check the moisture.

4. Contaminated things should be avoided.

5. To check the cannabolism, the beak of the bird should be out at the tip.

6. Regular adding up of stones in the feed and green fodder keeps the quality of eggs high.

7. Birds of same age should kept in a cage.

8. All the birds should be watched carefully and regular consultation with a doctor is a must.


9. Proper light, sanitation, fresh air, vitamins and mineral keep the fecundity up.
