Archive | Aquaculture

Suitability of a Species for Aquaculture: 7 Qualities

The following points highlight the seven main qualities that determine the suitability of species for aquaculture. The qualities are: 1. Rate of Growth and Production 2. Size and Age at First Maturity 3. Breeding 4. Adult Feed 5. Preference of Hardy and Disease Resistant Species 6. Influence of Species on Environment 7. Intensive and Semi-Intensive Cultures. Quality # 1. Rate [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:44+00:00July 21, 2016|Aquaculture|Comments Off on Suitability of a Species for Aquaculture: 7 Qualities

Aquaculture: Characters, Types and Qualities

In this article we will discuss about Aquaculture:- 1. Definition of Aquaculture 2. Characters of Aquaculture 3. Types of Aquaculture Practices 4. Qualities of Culturable Aquatic Species. Definition of Aquaculture: Fish production was previously heavily depen­dent upon capture fishery and in particular the marine resources. However, the capture fishery cannot be expected to be a perennial protein donar. Moreover, a [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:44+00:00July 21, 2016|Aquaculture|Comments Off on Aquaculture: Characters, Types and Qualities

Top 10 Roles of Biotechnology in Aquaculture

The following points highlight the top ten roles of biotechnology in aquaculture. Some of the roles are: 1. Nutrition 2. Feeding Stimuli and Chemical Signal 3. Reduce the In-Pond Chemical Oxygen Demand 4. Administration of Mammalian Hormones 5. Cryopreservation 6. Use of Allomones and Pheromones 7. Genetic Manipulation 8. Hormonal Manipulation for Sex Control and Others. Role # 1. Nutrition: [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:44+00:00July 21, 2016|Aquaculture|Comments Off on Top 10 Roles of Biotechnology in Aquaculture
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