Archive | Prawns and Shrimp Culture

Prawns Culture in India: Meaning and Importance Species

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and important species of prawns. Meaning of Prawns: The terms "shrimps" and "prawns" have been used interchangeably and the terminology varies from nation to nation. However, they are closely related belonging to crustaceans of the families Penaeidae and Palaemonidae. The standardisation of the terms was one of the agenda at the [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:27+00:00July 21, 2016|Prawns and Shrimp Culture|Comments Off on Prawns Culture in India: Meaning and Importance Species

List of 24 Commercially Important Species of Prawn

List of twenty-four commercially important species of prawn:- 1. Hippolysmata Ensirostris 2. Palaemon Styliferus 3. Palaemon Tenuipes 4. Macrobrachium Malcomsonii 5. Macrobrachium Rosenbergii 6. Macrobrachium Rude 7. Heterocarpus Wood-Masoni 8. Parapandalus Spinipes 9. Plesiotiika Martia 10. Aristeus Semidentatus 11. Atypopenaeus Stenodactyius and Others. 1. Hippolysmata Ensirostris: Hippolysmata Ensirostris is distributed in India (along the coasts) Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Sumatra [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:27+00:00July 21, 2016|Prawns and Shrimp Culture|Comments Off on List of 24 Commercially Important Species of Prawn

Traditional and Modern System of Shrimp Culture: Comparison

Learn about the comparison between traditional and modern systems of shrimp culture. In traditional system of culture, natural stocking was done through intake of tidal water which carried large numbers of shrimp larvae. These ponds were simple in design and were meant to serve largely as trap ponds. Shrimp larvae were also released directly into the rearing or production ponds [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:27+00:00July 21, 2016|Prawns and Shrimp Culture|Comments Off on Traditional and Modern System of Shrimp Culture: Comparison
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