Archive | Harmful Insects

List of Insects that Damage Crops | Zoology

Here is a list of insects that damage crops: 1. The Rust 2. Millipedes and Centipedes 3. Tephritis Solstitialis. 1. The Rust: The disease, which so materially affects the carrot crops and deteriorates their value, is occasioned in the first instance by the larvae of a small fly. These maggots eat passages in the tap-root, and the carrots gradually die [...]

By |2017-12-12T07:33:20+00:00December 12, 2017|Harmful Insects|Comments Off on List of Insects that Damage Crops | Zoology

Insects that Damage Fruits and Fruit Trees | Zoology

Here is a list of insects that damage fruits and fruit trees:  1. Sanjose Scale Aspidiotus Perniciosus 2. Woolly Aphid - Eriosoma Lenigerum (Haussmann) 3. Fruit-Sucking Moths (O. Materna) 4. Citrus Leaf-Miner (Phyllocnistis Citrella) 5. Lemon Butterfly (Papilio Demoleus) 6. Anar Butterfly (Viracholaisocrates Fabr.) 7. Singhara Beetle (Galerucella Birmanica Jac.) 8. Banana Weevil (Cosmopolites Sordidus) and Few Others. 1. Sanjose [...]

By |2017-12-12T07:33:17+00:00December 12, 2017|Harmful Insects|Comments Off on Insects that Damage Fruits and Fruit Trees | Zoology

Top 2 Ways for Managing Harmful Insects | Zoology

The following points highlight the top two ways for managing harmful insects. The ways are: 1. Chemical Management 2. Biological Management. Way # 1. Chemical Management: Chemicals used to kill insects are known as insecticides. Injurious insects are killed by certain chemicals, viz. hydrocyanic acid, sul­phur dioxide, arsenic, etc. But there are other chemicals which are more specially detri­mental to [...]

By |2017-01-11T14:47:32+00:00January 11, 2017|Harmful Insects|Comments Off on Top 2 Ways for Managing Harmful Insects | Zoology
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