Archive | Phylum Mollusca

Phylum Mollusca and Its Classification | Coelomates | Zoology

The phylum Mollusca contains over 100,000 species with a variety of body forms and lifestyles. In mollusks, the coelom is reduced and limited to the region around the heart. The Mollusk body first appeared during the Cambrian Period. All mollusks have: 1. A visceral mass containing internal organs, including the digestive tract, paired kidneys, and reproductive organs. 2. A mantle [...]

By |2017-12-11T06:20:06+00:00December 11, 2017|Phylum Mollusca|Comments Off on Phylum Mollusca and Its Classification | Coelomates | Zoology

6 Main Classes of Phylum Mollusca | Zoology

The following points highlight the six main classes of phylum mollusca. The classes are: 1. Monoplacophora 2. Amphineura 3. Gastropoda 4. Scaphopoda 5. Pelecypoda or Bivalvia or Lamellibranchiata 6. Cephalopoda. Class # 1. Monoplacophora: 1. The body is bilaterally symmetrical and covered by a mantle. 2. The single dorsal shell is thin and sub circular. 3. The metamerism is apparent [...]

By |2017-01-11T14:47:31+00:00January 11, 2017|Phylum Mollusca|Comments Off on 6 Main Classes of Phylum Mollusca | Zoology

Lamellidens: Description and External Features |Zoology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Description of Lamellidens 2. External Features of Lamellidens 3. Microscopic Structure 4. Muscles 5. Locomotion 6. Body Cavity 7. Digestive System 8. Respiratory System 9. Circulatory System 10. Heart and Pericardium 11. Excretory System 12. Pericardial Gland 13. Nervous System 14. Receptors and Sense Organs in Lamellidens 15. Reproductive System 16. Fertilization [...]

By |2017-01-11T14:47:31+00:00January 11, 2017|Phylum Mollusca|Comments Off on Lamellidens: Description and External Features |Zoology
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