Archive | Practical Zoology

Classification of Aschelminthes: 3 Types | Worms

The following three points highlight the classification of aschelminthes: 1. Enterobius Classification 2. Ascaris Classification 3. Ancylostoma Classification. Type # 1. Enterobius Classification: Phylum: Aschelminthes Pseudo coelomate, vermiform; un-segmented or superficially segmented clothed with cuticle; straight or curved digestive tube. Class: Nemotoda Body un-segmented; cilia absent; alimentary canal straight or curved. Order: Oxyuroidea Parasitic on vertebrates; three or six lips, [...]

By |2016-07-30T19:04:58+00:00July 30, 2016|Practical Zoology|Comments Off on Classification of Aschelminthes: 3 Types | Worms

Classification of Platyhelminthes: 7 Types | Worms

The following seven points highlight the classification of Platyhelminthes: 1. Polystoma Classification 2. Fasciola Classification 3. Schistosoma Classification 4. Paramphistomum Classification 5. Echinococcus Granulosus Classification 6. Dipylidium caninum Classification 7. Cotugnia Classification. Type # 1. Polystoma Classification: Phylum: Platyhelminthes Aceolomate, organ grade and flatworm. Class: Trematoda Ecto-or endoparasitic; body well without epidermis and cilia, well-development suckers present. Order: Monogenea Oral [...]

By |2016-07-30T19:04:58+00:00July 30, 2016|Practical Zoology|Comments Off on Classification of Platyhelminthes: 7 Types | Worms

Laboratory Reagents Required in Preparation of Permanent Slides

In this article we will discuss about the six important laboratory reagents required in preparation of permanent slides. The laboratory reagents are: 1. Fixing and Killing Agents 90% Alcohol 2. Stains 3. Alcoholic Grades 4. Physiological Salines 5. Mayer's Albumens 6. Preservatives. 1. Fixing and Killing Agents 90% Alcohol: 70% alcohol: 74 mL. Distilled water: 26 mL. Acetic acid: Acetic [...]

By |2016-07-30T19:04:58+00:00July 30, 2016|Laboratory|Comments Off on Laboratory Reagents Required in Preparation of Permanent Slides
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