Archive | Rabbit

Development of Rabbit (With Diagram) | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the development of rabbit with the help of suitable diagrams. Both birds and mammals have evolved from reptilian ancestors, but the developmental features of mammals have become greatly modified. The embryo develops within a specialised part of the oviduct called uterus or womb, the embryo establishing an intimate contact with the uterine wall [...]

By |2017-07-14T08:37:48+00:00July 14, 2017|Rabbit|Comments Off on Development of Rabbit (With Diagram) | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

Endoskeleton of Rabbit (With Diagram) | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

The endoskeleton of rabbit is chiefly formed of bone and cartilaginous part is very little. Exactly like those of other vertebrates, the skeleton of rabbit can also be divided into two parts: (i) The axial skeleton is present along the longitudinal axis of the body and consists of the bones of skull, the vertebral column, the ribs and the sternum; [...]

By |2017-07-03T08:33:14+00:00July 3, 2017|Endoskeleton|Comments Off on Endoskeleton of Rabbit (With Diagram) | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

Rabbit: Distribution and Economic Importance | Chordata | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Habit and Habitat of Rabbit 2. Distribution of Rabbit 3. Enemies 4. Economic Importance 5. Important Adaptations.     Habit and Habitat of Rabbit: Oryctolagus cuniculus (European grey rabbit) is worldwide (cosmopolitan) in distribution. Originally it belonged to Western Europe and Africa, but later on it was carried by men to various parts of [...]

By |2017-07-03T08:33:14+00:00July 3, 2017|Rabbit|Comments Off on Rabbit: Distribution and Economic Importance | Chordata | Zoology
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