Archive | Reptilia

Representative Types of Turtles | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the representative types of turtles with the help of suitable diagrams. The term turtle usually includes the aquatic and semiaquatic forms, tortoise includes the land forms and terrapin is used for some edible freshwater species. The characteristic of chelonian organisation is the shortening and broadening of the body, together with the development of [...]

By |2017-07-14T08:37:51+00:00July 14, 2017|Turtles|Comments Off on Representative Types of Turtles | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

Anatomy of Sphenodon (With Diagram) | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the anatomy of sphenodon with the help of a suitable diagram. Distribution: Sphenodon punctatum (Hatteria) is (Fig. 24.3) commonly known as Tuatara by the native Maories. It is the only living member of order Rhychoceplia which were common about 200 million years ago. It was once widespread throughout New Zealand but became much [...]

By |2017-07-14T08:37:50+00:00July 14, 2017|Sphenodon|Comments Off on Anatomy of Sphenodon (With Diagram) | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

9 Most Common Lizards | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

The following points highlight the nine most common lizards found in World. The lizards are: 1. Hemidactylus 2. Calotes 3. Draco 4. Iguana 5. Phrynosoma 6. Chamaeleon 7. Varanus 8. Heloderma 9. Ophisaurus.         Lizard # 1. Hemidactylus: Hemidactylus (Fig. 24.4) is commonly known as wall lizard or house lizard. It is found in homes in India, Africa, Sri Lanka [...]

By |2017-07-14T08:37:50+00:00July 14, 2017|Lizards|Comments Off on 9 Most Common Lizards | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology
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