The following points highlight the six major problems related to the collection of wild seed stock of prawn.
1. Problem is faced in sorting out the required species from the mixed collections (The mixed collection ma’ contain larvae of slow-growing, undesirable species of shrimps and also of predatory- or weed- or trash-fish).
2. Problem may arise due to fluctuations in their availability.
3. Social conflicts may arise as the local shrimp fishermen ascribe for poor commercial catches of shrimp to the removal of larvae and juveniles for farming.
4. Sorting of fry of the required species of shrimps for culture require considerable expertise. Some of the main identifying characters on which the sorting is dependent are nature and location of pigmentation, body shape and mode of locomotion.
5. The men and women engaged in prawn seed collection from natural source, often after sorting out the required prawn juvenile, throw the rest of the juveniles on the shore, thereby killing a number of important and endangered fish and prawn species resulting in destruction of biodiversity.
6. Similar destruction of biodiversity is also witnessed in improved system of stocking in traditional prawn culture system where a number of other prawn and fish juveniles and fry are killed by treatment of the pond with tea seed cake, containing a poison, called saponin.