In this article we will discuss about the Different Types of Foodstuffs Suitable for Feeding Rabbits

Food and Nutrients:

Rabbits relish all types of grains (sorghum, bajra and other grains) and legu­mes. Green fodders, kitchen wastes such as carrots and cabbage leaves and other vegetable wastes are also relished by rabbits. Different types of rabbit feed with components and nutrient requirements during different stages of life are listed in Table 12.2 and 12.3 respectively.

Different Types of Foodstuffs Suitable fot Feeding Rabbits

Nutrient Requirement of Rabbits during Different Stages of Life

Feeder and Water Troughs:

Rabbit feeders or food pots are generally made out of aluminum or galvanised iron sheets. Feeders may be designed in such a way (usually J-shaped), that they can be atta­ched to the front panel of the cage and can be filled from outside without opening the doors of the hutch or cage (Fig. 12.12).


For watering automatic pipeline or bottle watering system are used widely in com­mercial rabbit farms. Glazed earthenware pots can also be used for watering in cages. To reduce the investment cost, feed and water can also be served in cups.

Foods and Water Devices for Rabbit in Cage  

Feeding Schedule:

The teeth of rabbits are continuously growing. Therefore, rearing rabbits with concentrate feed alone is impossible. The time schedule for feeding should be maintained strictly. If there is late in feeding rabbits, they become restless, which in turn reduces their body weight. Rabbits generally do not take feed during daytime due to high temperature.


They are active during night and are fed with green fodder which they devour without wastage. On the other hand, concentrate feed in the form of pellets should be given in the morning. Clean freshwater should be provided to rabbits during all times of the day. Amount of different food required by rabbits during different stages of life are listed in Table 12.4.

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