List of fungal diseases of Birds:- 1. Aspergillosis 2. Aspergillus Granulomatous Dermatitis 3. Candidiasis 4. Fusariotoxicoses.

Fungal Disease # 1. Aspergillosis:

Aspergillosis is an acute or chronic respiratory disease of birds. In rare instances, peritoneal, visceral or systemic lesions could be observed. It is caused by Aspergillus fumigatus. Dyspnea, enhanced tense and heavy breathing are observed. Sometimes, rales and cyanosis could occur. In the acute form, a serous fibrinous pneumo­nia is observed.

Within the trachea and the main bronchi, usually near the bifurcation, obturation masses of coagulated fibrinous exudate are detected. In the nodular form, a characteristic Aspergillus granulomatous structure of tissues is discovered in birds.

The control includes:


Collection of clean eggs for hatch­ing, disinfection and fumigation of eggs, incubators and hatcheries, regular checking of ventilation systems and change of air filters in hatcheries, moni­toring of hatcheries and the environment for mould contamination, use of dry and clean litter and non- contaminated forages, optimisation of aeration and the humidity in premises where birds are housed.

The treatment with fungicide antibiotics and different antimycotic drugs is not always efficient. Nistatin and copper sulfate (1:2000:: vol : vol) with drinking water could be used. Mould is developed after inocu­lation of material on an appropriate nutrient media.

Fungal Disease # 2. Aspergillus Granulomatous Dermatitis:

The Aspergillus granulomatous dermatitis as a postvac-cinalcomplication is observed in growing broiler breeders. Following subcutaneous application of oil adjuvant vaccine in the lower part of the neck, a marked local reaction with extensive swelling of the head is observed. The swellings involve the subcuta­neous tissue of periorbital sinuses, the mandibular space, even the entire skull without the skin adnexa.

Fungal Disease # 3. Candidiasis:

Candidiasis is an alimentary tract disease, caused by the fungal yeast Candida albicans and usually occurs as a secondary infection. Pre­disposing factors are the lack of good hygiene, pro­longed antibiotic treatment, vitamin deficiency, severe parasitic infections and immune-deficiencies. The production of a soluble endotoxin is also contri­buting to the pathogenicity of the agent.


The lesions are usually detected in the crop, lips, oesophagus, but could affect the proventriculus and more rarely, the intestines. The affected mucosa is diffusely or focally thickened, raised and wrinkled, white, resembling a towel. Possibly, the lesions could look as pseudo­membranous or diphtheroid coatings.

The histolo­gical study confirms the diagnosis by showing the fungal hyphae in the affected mucosa. Usually, a copper sulfate solution is used with drinking water for prevention and control. The application of nistatin in water or forage is efficient against candidiasis in turkeys.

Fungal Disease # 4. Fusariotoxicoses:

The Fusarium genus produces numerous mycotoxins, out of which the most important for poultry pathology are trichothecenes, fumosinins, moniliformin, fusaro-chromanone and zearalenone. The Fusarium toxins possess a pronoun­ced caustic effect, resulting in necroses and crusts of the buccal mucosa.

The caustic effect of some fusariotoxins is the cause of the commonly detected ero­sions and ulcers in gizzard cuticulum. Note the thickened wall of the proventriculus. Frequently, the proventriculus is dilated at a various extent, its wall is thickened and in its mucous coat, fibrinous necrotic and haemorrhagic lesions are detected.


The prevention from mycotoxicoses in birds require the detec­tion and control of mycotoxin-contaminated forage components, avoidance of forage moulding. The application of commercial mycotoxin-binding agents could reduce the effects of some of them. In some mycotoxicoses, the systemic requirements for vitamins, minerals and proteins are increased and they could be balanced by supplementation with forage or water.
