Learn about the comparison between Plasmodium Viax and Plasmodium Falciparum.
Comparison # Plasmodium Vivax:
1. Period of incubation in Plasmodium Vivax : 10-17 days
2. Period of schizogony : 48 hours
3. Trophozoite (Ring form): Size – 3 µm
Cytoplasm opposite the chromatin dot is thicker. Growing forms very irregular with a vacuole. Actively amoeboid
4. Mature schizont: Larger than a red blood cell
5. Number of merozoites: 12-24. Arranged irregularly in a grape-like cluster
6. Haemozoin pigments: Yellowish brown. Present in fine granules throughout the cytoplasm
7. Infected red blood cell: Enlarged and pale. Schuffner’s dots present which are small regular and numerous
8. Shape of gametocyte: Spherical or globular
9. Forms found in peripheral blood: Trophozoites, schizonts and gametocytes
10. Type of malaria fever and its effect: Benign tertian. Death rate low
11. Relapses : Up to 3 years
12. Development in mosquito: 10 days at 25° to 30°C.
Comparison # Plasmodium Falciparum:
1. 8-12 days
2. 24-48 hours
3. Size smaller -1.25-1.5 µm
4. Cytoplasm fine and regular in outline. Often with 2 chromatin dots. The forms are applique or accole. Multiple infection of red blood cells
5. Smaller than a red blood cell 8-24 or even more. Arranged in a grape-like cluster
6. Dark brown. Present in one solid block around the nucleus
7. Usually unaltered. Maurer’s dots present which are large, irregular and fewer
8. Crescentic
9. Trophozoites and gametocytes. Schizonts are rarely seen
10. Malignant tertian & sub-tertian Death rate high
11. 6 months to 1 year 1
12. 0 to 12 days at 27°C.