Tag Archives | Cytology

Top 5 Functions of Plasma Membrane | Cytology

The following points highlight the top five functions of plasma membrane. The functions are: 1. Providing a Selectively Permeable Bar­rier 2. Transporting Solutes 3. Transporting Macromolecules 4. Responding to External Signals 5. Intercellular Interaction 6. Energy Transduction.  Plasma Membrane: Function # 1. Providing a Selectively Permeable Bar­rier: Plasma membrane prevents the free interchange of materials from one side to the [...]

By |2016-07-25T05:44:24+00:00July 25, 2016|Cytology|Comments Off on Top 5 Functions of Plasma Membrane | Cytology

Mitochondria: Meaning, Morphology and Function | Cytology

In this article we will discuss about the Mitochondria:- 1. Meaning of Mitochondria 2. Morphology of Mitochondria 3. Structure 4. Chemical Composition 5. Functions. Contents: Meaning of Mitochondria Morphology of Mitochondria Structure of Mitochondria Chemical Composition of Mitochondria Functions of Mitochondria 1. Meaning of Mitochondria: Mitochondria (Greek, mito; thread, chondrion; granule), the granular or filamen­tous cell organelles that are present [...]

By |2016-07-25T05:44:23+00:00July 25, 2016|Cytology|Comments Off on Mitochondria: Meaning, Morphology and Function | Cytology

Plasma Membrane: Meaning, Structure and Molecular Organization

In this article we will discuss about the Plasma Membrane:- 1. Meaning of Plasma Membrane 2. Structure of the Plasma Membrane 3. Chemical Composition 4. Molecular Organization 5. Evidences on Fluidity 6. Asymmetry 7. Greater Concept. Contents: Meaning of Plasma Membrane Structure of the Plasma Membrane Chemical Composition of Plasma Membrane Molecular Organization of Plasma Membrane Evidences on Fluidity of [...]

By |2016-07-25T05:44:23+00:00July 25, 2016|Cytology|Comments Off on Plasma Membrane: Meaning, Structure and Molecular Organization
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