Tag Archives | Duck Farming

Methods Used for Rearing Duck: 3 Systems

The following points highlight the three methods by which ducks can be reared. The methods are: 1. Intensive System 2. Semi-Intensive System 3. Free Range System. Method # 1. Intensive System: Under intensive system ducks are reared on deep litter till they attain the age of 16 weeks. A confined space of 3 sq. ft. per bird is allowed. As [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:45+00:00July 21, 2016|Poultry|Comments Off on Methods Used for Rearing Duck: 3 Systems

Breeds of Duck: 3 Main Groups

Breeds of the duck can be classified into three main groups: (A) Egg types consisting of Khaki Campbell and Indian Runner breeds. (B) Meat type consisting of White Pekin, Mus­covy and Aylesbury breeds. (C) Ornamental type consisting of Crested White breed. (A) Duck Reared for Egg Production: These breeds are reared for production of eggs: (1) Khaki Campbell: The khaki [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:45+00:00July 21, 2016|Poultry|Comments Off on Breeds of Duck: 3 Main Groups

List of 5 Common Diseases of Duck | Poultry Farming

List of five common diseases of duck:- 1. Duck Plague 2. Duck Cholera 3. Aflatoxicosis 4. Botulism 5. Parasitic Diseases. Disease # 1. Duck Plague: Cause: Serious outbreak of duck plagues, also known as duck virus enteritis, can cause 80-90% mortality in flocks of all ages. It is a highly contagi­ous disease and strikes swiftly without warning. Symptoms: Birds become [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:17:45+00:00July 21, 2016|Poultry|Comments Off on List of 5 Common Diseases of Duck | Poultry Farming
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