Tag Archives | Evolution

Darwin Theory of Evolution

In this article we will discuss about the Darwin Theory of Evolution:- 1. Introduction to Darwin theory of Evolution 2. Darwin-Wallace's Theory 3. Observation of Darwin in Support of his Theory 4. Neo-Darwinism 5. The Synthetic Theory 6. The Neutrality Theory of Molecular Evolution. Contents: Introduction to Darwin theory of Evolution Darwin-Wallace's Theory Observation of Darwin in Support of his [...]

By |2016-07-25T05:43:58+00:00July 25, 2016|Darwin Theory|Comments Off on Darwin Theory of Evolution

Lamarckism: Meaning, Theories and Experimental Review

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Lamarckism 2. Lamarckism ā€” Misunderstood 3. Neo-Lamarckism Theories 4. Baldwin Effect and Neo-Lamarckism 5. Experimental Review. Contents: Meaning of Lamarckism Lamarckism ā€” Misunderstood Neo-Lamarckism Theories Baldwin Effect and Neo-Lamarckism Experimental Review 1. Meaning of Lamarckism: Lamarck in his book Philosophic Zoologique (1809) conveyed the greatest theory of evolution of his [...]

By |2016-07-25T05:43:58+00:00July 25, 2016|Evolution|Comments Off on Lamarckism: Meaning, Theories and Experimental Review

Origin of Life: Introduction, Ancestral Home and Development

Contents: Introduction to Origin of Life Definition of Life Ancestral Home of life - the First Ecosystem Probable Time for Origin of Life Origin of Basic Bio-molecules Polymerization and Condensation of Monomers Development of Protenoids Origin of Organised Structure for Life Coacervates (By Oparin) Microsphere (By Fox) Origin of Selection 1. Introduction to Origin of Life: Since the development of [...]

By |2016-07-25T05:43:58+00:00July 25, 2016|Evolution|Comments Off on Origin of Life: Introduction, Ancestral Home and Development
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