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Larvial Forms of Echinoderms (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Pluteus Larva 2. Auricularia and Doliolaria Larvae 3. Doliolaria Larva of Crinoidea 4. Dipleurula Theory 5. Pentactula Theory 6. Regeneration in Echinoderms. Pluteus Larva: 1. Five to six pairs of arms supported by calcareous rods and with pigmented tips. 2. Presence of four ciliated bands forming epaulettes at the base of the [...]

By |2017-01-11T14:47:31+00:00January 11, 2017|Phylum Echinodermata|Comments Off on Larvial Forms of Echinoderms (With Diagram)

Entamoeba: Etymology, Reproduction and Life Cycle

In this article we will discuss about Entamoeba:- 1. Introduction to Entamoeba 2. Etymology of Entamoeba 3. Reproduction 4. Life Cycle 5. Pathogenicity. Contents: Introduction to Entamoeba Etymology of Entamoeba Reproduction of Entamoeba Life Cycle of Entamoeba Pathogenicity of Entamoeba 1. Introduction to Entamoeba: Entamoeba is a parasitic amoeba infecting man. The genus Entamoeba was established by Leidy in 1879. [...]

By |2016-07-25T05:46:24+00:00July 25, 2016|Protozoa|Comments Off on Entamoeba: Etymology, Reproduction and Life Cycle

Aurelia (Jelly Fish): Structure, Histology and Nutrition

In this article we will discuss about Aurelia (Jelly Fish):- 1. Introduction of Aurelia 2. Structure of Aurelia 3. Histology 4. Musculature and Locomotion 5. Digestive Cavity and Canal System 6. Nutrition 7. Sense Organs 8. Life-history. Contents: Introduction of Aurelia Structure of Aurelia Histology of Aurelia Musculature and Locomotion in Aurelia Digestive Cavity and Canal System in Aurelia Nutrition [...]

By |2016-07-25T05:46:24+00:00July 25, 2016|Phylum Cnidaria|Comments Off on Aurelia (Jelly Fish): Structure, Histology and Nutrition
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