Tag Archives | Rohu Fish

Rohu Fish: Origin, Economic Importance | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Origin of Rohu Fish 2. Systematic Position 3. Distribution 4. Economic Importance.  Origin of Rohu Fish: Class Osteichthyes (Gr., osteon = bone + ichthyes = fish) includes the ray-finned "bony fishes", both marine (e.g., cod, sole, herring, eels) and freshwater. Subclass Actinopterygii of class Osteichthyes are the commonest vertebrates of today. Its [...]

By |2017-07-03T08:33:15+00:00July 3, 2017|Rohu Fish|Comments Off on Rohu Fish: Origin, Economic Importance | Vertebrates | Chordata | Zoology

Blood Vascular System of Rohu Fish (With Diagram) | Chordata | Zoology

Like that of the cartilaginous fishes, blood vascular system consists of a "single circulation." Blood: It consists of the fluid part, plasma and blood corpuscles. Erythrocytes are elliptical and nucleated with haemoglobin. Besides erythrocytes, nucleated reticulocytes and thrombocytes, as well as coarse and fine granulocytes and various lymphocytes occur. Haematopoiesis occurs chiefly in teleosts in the kidney intertubular tissue and [...]

By |2017-07-03T08:33:14+00:00July 3, 2017|Rohu Fish|Comments Off on Blood Vascular System of Rohu Fish (With Diagram) | Chordata | Zoology

External Morphology of Rohu Fish (With Diagram) | Chordata | Zoology

Labeo rohita (Rohu) is commonly found in freshwater ponds, lakes, rivers and streams. It is principally herbivorous and bottom feeder, feeding on algae and aquatic plants. It breathes by means of gills and also frequently comes to water surface for gulping air into the air bladder. It is oviparous, breeding occurs in running water in July and August. Fertilisation is [...]

By |2017-07-03T08:33:14+00:00July 3, 2017|Rohu Fish|Comments Off on External Morphology of Rohu Fish (With Diagram) | Chordata | Zoology
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