Tag Archives | Voltinism

Voltinism: Meaning, Characteristics and Control

In this article we will discuss about Voltinism:- 1. Meaning of Voltinism 2. Characteristics of Voltinism 3. Control. Meaning of Voltinism: Voltinism can be defined as the number of broods or generations produced in a year in the life cycle of silk moth under natural conditions. Mulberry and other silk moths show different races based on voltinism (Table 3.8A). Characteristics [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:18:00+00:00July 21, 2016|Sericulture|Comments Off on Voltinism: Meaning, Characteristics and Control

Top 2 Methods Adopted for Rearing of Bivoltine Moths

The following points highlight the top two methods adopted for rearing of bivoltine moths. The methods are: 1. Breaking Diapause 2. Adopting JICA Programme. Rearing of Bivoltine Moths: Method # 1. Breaking Diapause: Bivoltine moths basically belong to temperate country like Japan. Their hibernating eggs pass through a period of diapause especially during winter for 6-8 months when availability of [...]

By |2016-07-21T12:18:00+00:00July 21, 2016|Sericulture|Comments Off on Top 2 Methods Adopted for Rearing of Bivoltine Moths
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